operating manual
Quick Start Guide XC Tracer II
XC Tracer II, based on the proven and reliable XC Tracer, is a highly accurate variometer powered by a solar cell. XC Tracer II is using data multiple sensors (9 DOF IMU, pressure sensor, GPS to compute the real time climb rate and altitude, avoiding the undesired time lag that conventional variometers suffer from due to data filtering. The GPS also provides real time flight speed and direction. All the relevant data is then sent in a custom data string to an iOS or Android tablet or phone via Bluetooth Low Energy. Of course the variometer still indicates the lift / sink rate with beeping tones!
Use the velcro to attach XC Tracer II to the shoulder strap of your harness, or to your cockpit, or onto your thigh. (NB. Do not attach it to your helmet or hang it round your neck using a cord!) Position the device in such a way that the solar cell catches as much sunlight as possible during the flight.
Switch on XC Tracer by pressing and holding the red button until you hear beep-beep. The GPS will then search for a fix. The vario will make some beeping sounds once the GPS has a fix, and the orange LED will start blinking every 2-3 seconds. Don't worry if you forget to switch on XC Tracer before taking off, you can switch it on whilst flying.
The vario won't beep on the ground, but as soon as you're flying XC Tracer II will indicate the lift / sink rate with beeping tones. XC Tracer II has four volume settings: mute, gentle, medium and loud. You can change the volume setting with a short push of the red button, always cycling from mute - gentle - medium - loud - mute - gentle etc.
Once you've landed, turn off XC Tracer II by pressing and holding the red button until you hear beep-beep (after approximately 3 seconds). XC Tracer II will then switch off and the LED will stop blinking.
Here is a detailed user manual of XC Tracer II as a PDF document.
Quick Start Guide XC Tracer
XC Tracer is a proven and reliable flight instrument for paraglider pilots, using data from an 9-DOF IMU, from a pressure sensor and from a GPS to compute the real time climb rate and altitude, avoiding the undesired time lag that conventional variometers have due to data filtering. The GPS also provides real time flight speed and direction. All the relevant information is then packed together in a custom data string and sent over a Bluetooth Low Energy module to an iOS or Android tablet or phone. And of course the variometer indicates the climb / sink rate with beeping tones.
Attach XC Tracer to your harness (shoulder), to the cockpit or your thigh using the velcro (do not attach to your helmet! Don't hang it over your neck using a cord!).
Switch on XC Tracer in pressing the red button until you hear beep-beep, then release the button. The GPS will then search for a fix. The vario will make some beeping sounds when the GPS has a fix, and the orange LED starts blinking every 2-3 seconds. You can switch on XC Tracer before take off, but you can do that also after the take off when you are already flying.
The vario is not beeping on the ground, but as soon as you are flying then XC Tracer will start to beep and indicate the climb / sink rate with beeping tones. XC Tracer has 4 volume settings: Mute, gentle, medium and loud. You can change the volume setting with a short push of the red button, always from mute - gentle - medium - loud - mute - gentle etc.
Press the red button after the landing for roughly 3 seconds. Release the button when you hear beep-beep. XC Tracer will then switch off, and the led will stop blinking.
Here is a detailed user manual of XC Tracer as a PDF document.
Quick Start Guide XC Tracer Mini
XC Tracer Mini is an acoustic variometer powered by a solar cell. Whilst you're waiting to take off, point the device at the sun in such a way that the solar cell catches as much sunlight as possible.
Use the velcro to attach XC Tracer Mini to the shoulder strap of your harness, or to your cockpit, or your thigh. (NB. Do not attach it to your helmet or hang it around your neck using a cord!). Position the device in such a way that the solar cell catches as much sunlight as possible during the flight.
Switch on XC Tracer Mini by pressings and holding the red button until you hear beep-beep. The vario will make some beeping sounds, and the white LED will start blinking every 2-3 seconds. Don't worry if you forget to switch on XC Tracer Mini before taking off, you can switch it on whilst flying.
The vario won't beep on the ground, but as soon as you're flying then XC Tracer Mini will indicate the lift / sink rate with beeping tones. XC Tracer Mini has 4 volume settings: mute, gentle, medium and loud. You can change the volume setting with a short push of the red button, always cycling from mute - gentle - medium - loud - mute - gentle etc.
Once you've landed, turn off XC Tracer Mini by pressing and holding the red button until you hear beep-beep (after approximately 3 seconds). XC Tracer Mini will then switch off, and the LED will stop blinking.
Here is a detailed user manual of XC Tracer Mini as a PDF document.