There are new firmware versions available for Maxx II, Maxx, Mini V, and XC Tracer II Flarm.
Maxx II and Maxx now practically share the same firmware. The thermal display has been improved, and a circle can now be defined in the settings to indicate the thermal center. Please note that updating Maxx from R07 to R08 will erase the memory (including Flight Book). After the update, make sure to check all settings. Only minor bug fixes have been made for the two Solar Varios.
The new firmware versions for Maxx II and Maxx require downloading the latest airspaces from XContest. Download the newest airspaces, including obstacles, from Choose only the airspaces, and when exporting for XC Tracer, activate "I have a new firmware" and then select the obstacles. For Maxx, there is also a BLE firmware update. This update only needs to be installed by those using an RC (remote control).